Call for Labs
The MAE/EASA 2025 Conference on Medical Anthropology is inviting proposals for Laboratories that explore the theme "Redefinitions of Health and Well-being." This format aims to foster experimentation and interdisciplinary conversations.
Laboratory sessions can explore a variety of methods, concepts, ideas and approaches with the aim of stimulating critical thinking, collaboration, creativity and imagination. Forms of expression may include, but are not limited to, music, drawing, embroidery, photography, poetry, mapping, urban exploration, activities in parks or along canals, and guided walks. Sessions can be scheduled for either 90 or 105 minutes: those planning outdoor activities will have 105 minutes available, while indoor sessions will be scheduled for 90 minutes.
Please note that due to the hybrid format of the conference, labs can be proposed for either on-site or hybrid participation. For hybrid labs, a pre-registration process is required and at least one organiser must be present on-site to facilitate the session. It is the responsibility of the conveners to manage the pre-registration process.
Proposals must contain:
- Lab title
- the name(s) and affiliation(s) of the convenor(s) (max 3)
- abstract (up to 250 words) outlining the Lab's objectives, methods, and procedures.
- technical requirements (include any technological, material and logistical questions necessary for the Lab)
- venue/location (indicate any requirements, as well as any pre-agreements you have reached with relevant groups/institutions)
- modality (hybrid or on site only); please also indicate if there is a limit to the number of participants and if the lab requires pre-registration.
You can submit a lab proposal here by selecting "Call for Labs" in the list of themes: