Call for Papers and Roundtable Participation
You can find the list of accepted panels and roundtables here.
In the current submission stage, you can submit an abstract to a panel or a roundtable. For panels, you can submit a proposal for a paper to be presented. For roundtables, you can submit an abstract describing your contribution to the roundtable.
All submissions have to be made via the submission portal:
For both paper and participation proposals, submissions have to include the name(s) of the presenters, affiliation(s), a submission title and an abstract of 250 words or less.
Individuals can make a maximum of 2 submissions in the portal, i.e. 1 paper proposal and 1 participation proposal for a roundtable. Should you send in 2 paper proposals or 2 participation proposals and both get accepted, you have to withdraw one of the submissions in accordance with the conference rules (each role only once).
For convenors of panels and roundtables:
You are encouraged to advertise your panel and/or roundtable via your networks. Once the Call for Papers and Participation is closed, you will be asked to select submissions via the portal. Further information on this will be provided after the Call closed.